Why was the 2nd amendment created and what does it state?
The United States of America is a nation rich in culture and diversity. This proud nation built the biggest and strongest military force in the world, which by the way has been defending the nation ever since it came into existence.
The 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution
The best thing about being a citizen or a part of the greatest nation is it puts people’s safety on top. Yes, safety of common people is paramount when it comes to protecting the nation. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution clearly states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. Meaning the citizens of the U.S. have the right to bear arms for self-defense.
However, the 2nd amendment has led to the debate on whether America has made the right call or not. Since its ratification, people have been arguing over the actual interpretation. Some people believe that it provides collective rights, while some people are totally against this view. If we are to dig out the constitutional history of America, we would have to go way back in time. So, let’s just say that the amendment is a part of the Bill of Rights and it was enacted on December 15, 1791.
Although the 2nd amendment has created debated among people, it has become quite popular as well. How do we know that? First of all, it’s a constitutional act that provides individual rights. Second of all, many products have been manufactured inspired by the right act. Products such as 2nd amendment t-shirts, garments, and accessories are available in the market.
Why we should shower love and respect to the military force as they deserve?
As we have stated earlier, the U.S. has the strongest and biggest military force. It’s the pillar that is holding the nation together and defending it by engaging in combats with outside forces. No wonder Americans have a huge love and respect for military people. The best thing about being an American is we admire, respect, and value for the effort others put to allow us to live peacefully. Likewise, the military force has been doing that since it came into existence. Their sacrifices should not be gone unrecognized and unappreciated. So, it hasn’t.
Using and wearing military-inspired products is a gesture of love and respect towards the military people. That’s why different military-inspired products like army t-shirts, army decals, navy jerseys are manufactured and sold. In fact, people are obsessed with these kinds of products and it should be. Because the least we can do is extend our gratitude and show love and respect for the selfless deeds they have been doing for protecting the nation.